First Look: Chris Evans as Captain America in final costume

So the media machine behind “Captain America” was not initially very successful at keeping the costume under wraps with leaked photos appearing around the internets as early as last summer. But all of a sudden June is just around the corner and we finally start to get some official images from the production, first from Entertainment Weekly that Drew commented on before, and now a slew more shots published in the UK’s Empire Magazine.

So below is what the complete costume is supposed to look like when it’s properly lit and airbrushed. I’m sure they were delaying showing the helmet due to the darn thing having wings on it, but I don’t think it looks so bad. The wings look more like an airline logo than anything else, and maintain a military vibe, which at the end of the day is appropriate. Thoughts?

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Lot’s more pictures from the film appear in the issue, including Tommy Lee Jones as Col. Chester Phillips, you can buy the magazine to hold in your hands here. The guys at Superhero Hype were kind enough to make some scans if that is all you’re after.

-Alex Dorn is on twitter