DC Snags Another Nightwing Trademark And Adam Driver Comments On The Rumors

Bleeding Cool reports DC Comics have registered a trademark on an image described as “NIGHTWING on a bat”. We don’t have the image they’re registering; the picture above is from the cover of Nightwing (Volume 3) Issue 6.

There’s a huge list of merchandise types the logo is being registered for over here. Want a Nightwing logo on a necktie? BOOM. Nightwing on bathtub toys? Got ya covered. On a jogging suit? Sure, why not? As a jigsaw puzzle? Inevitable, we suppose. Nightwing on toy bakeware? Uh, okay then. Nightwing on Christmas tree ornaments? HIS PARENTS ARE DEAD, YOU MONSTER.

Anyway, this additional trademark lends more credence to the rumors about Dick Grayson appearing in Batman vs Superman. But what about the rumor Adam Driver (Girls) was offered the part? Driver tells Collider he hasn’t been approached, but he seemed flattered people thought it was possible.

(Banner courtesy of DC Comics, with slight alteration.)