Hot dogs or legs? A guessing game

In just the latest awesome Tumblr find here on RIOT (see: “Peanuts” characters speak in Morrissey lyrics), we just caught wind of a blog that’s dedicated to the following totally meaningless concept: “Hot dogs or legs?” Which of course caught the attention of my mushy, ADHD-addled brain immediately. Naturally then, I’ve decided to play the “Hot dogs or legs?” game for myself, in an epic waste of time that would otherwise be spent doing important things, like creating Miley Cyrus Gifs.

I almost said “hot dogs” here until I caught a trace of calf at bottom left. Or is it thigh? I have no earthly idea, but the last time I checked hot dogs did not have two distinct sections.

Final determination: Legs

These hot dogs are in love, and they are in Hawaii. They will also taste delicious after being left to cook for a few days in the warm tropical sun.

Final determination: Hot dogs

These are obviously hot dogs and not legs, but I had to post anyway because look, they’re wearing sunglasses.

Final determination: Hot dogs

If these were hot dogs, they would be the stars of a very edgy cable drama aimed at the growing 18-34 weiner demo. Except that they are legs, so there goes that idea.

Final determination: Legs

If I ate hot dogs, which I do not for a ton of very good reasons, I would probably not want to eat these. Luckily they are the legs of a very pasty Irish person who enjoys stability balls and not, in fact, hot dogs.

Final determination: Legs

(More “Hot Dogs or Legs?”)

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