J. Scott Campbell draws ‘Breaking Bad’s’ leading men

(CBR) In this piece from Monday on Francesco Francavilla”s poster designs for “Breaking Bad’s” final episodes, I noted how many comic creators are drawing sketches of Walter White. One name I forgot to mention was famed “good girl” artist J. Scott Campbell, who posted these images last week on Instagram and his DeviantArt account.

Against type, he”s stuck to drawing the gnarled male leads from the acclaimed drama, although there”s unfortunately no take on the great Saul Goodman. That naturally leaves me pondering an alternate reality in which Campbell has drawn cheesecake versions of Skyler, Maria, Lydia, etc. Maybe that could be the theme of his 2015 calendar: “The Long-Suffering Women of ‘Breaking Bad’.” That would make perfect sense, tonally. Stop looking at me like that.