(CBR) The untitled “Man of Steel” sequel — pairing Henry Cavill as Superman and Ben Affleck as Batman — is set to film in Los Angeles on Saturday, Oct. 19, during halftime of an East Los Angeles College football game, according to the school’s newspaper.
The scene is described, unsurprisingly, as a football game between “Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University.” The reported plan is to shoot “three takes of three plays,” along with crowd reactions, aiming to take about 20 minutes before the community college game resumes. Gotham City will be the home team, with Warner Bros. seeking extras — preferably students, according to the article — to serve as fans wearing the fictional squad’s colors, black and gold.
As Slashfilm points out, it’s unlikely that any of the film’s stars will be in attendance, as most of the main cast isn’t scheduled to start filming until early next year — when football season will be mostly wrapped.
Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Cavill, Affleck, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane, the untitled Superman/Batman film is scheduled for release on July 17, 2015.