Kanye West hit yet another radio show this morning, but unlike his recent appearances, this one gets heated. At New York City’s Power 105 show The Breakfast Club, host Charlamagne Tha God calls West a hypocrite for trying to work with the same corporations he tells off in songs like “New Slaves.” Watch the entire interview here or below.
The 45-minute video ramps up around the six minute mark when Charlamagne addresses criticisms that he’s previously raised on the show:
“I’m not trying to throw blows, but this is what I want to know. Like to me it seems like you’re such a walking contradiction cause you denounce the corporations, then you’ll get on stage and say you need Nike and Adidas to back you. That makes no sense to me.”
To which West replies with a grin, “One hundred percent.” West goes on to say “we all mentally enslaved,” after which Charlamagne repeats the question and Kanye adds:
“I’m not denouncing the corporation, I’m denouncing the people that have the job at the corporation at that time.” Then Kanye goes on a long rant about how executives cut him out of the creative process and didn’t recognize his genius.
Some other zingers from Charlamagne:
“If you”re a genius, why do you find the need to tell everybody?”
“I didn’t like the album at all, and I was a Kanye West fan. But ‘Yeezus’ was wack to me.”
“Why is everything about money? You don”t need to be rich to be a revolutionary.”
West explains his ambitions have only increased after becoming a father and that his goal is to build a multi-faceted, trillion-dollar corporation: “You need product. What happens if no one else buys albums?”
Ye also talks about his meme of a music video, “Bound 2,” saying he “wanted to take white trash t-shirts and turn it into a video. I wanted it to look as phony as possible.”
Watch West dis Obama in another recent radio interview.