Marvel teases April wedding plans with blood-stained invitations

(CBR) Despite what often appears to be a never-ending battle against superhero marriages, everyone loves a wedding, and Marvel Comics‘ latest teaser is promising some impending nuptials for 2014. Now, the actual wedded couple remains a secret, but we are able to suss out a few details from the image below: 

  • It appears to take place in current Marvel continuity, as evidenced by the attendance of Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers roster and Jubilee-as-a-mom.
  • One or both of the happy couple must love animals if Devil Dinosaur is on the guest list.
  • It’s obviously an epically-important event if Forbush Man is part of the celebration.
  • Things are gonna get violent, if the splash of blood under the puzzle piece is any indication.

We’ll find out more about whoever it is tying the knot in the next few weeks as Marvel’s April solicitations are set to hit on January 8.