Taylor Swift is a good girl in a tight little skirt for new song ‘Style’ preview

Tired of hearing about Taylor Swift yet? Good. The pop star has previewed yet another new song off of her next album “1989,” this time for retailer Target.

“You've got that long hair, slicked back, white T-shirt / And I got that good girl thing and a tight little skirt / and when we go crashing down / we come back in every time / 'cause we never go out of style / we never go out of style / take me home,” she sings on the newly previewed “Style.” Dispute is up if she's singing “good girl faith” or “fig” or “thing,” but she's a good girl and she knows it.

Target and Swift and style: go together. “1989” is out on Oct. 27, and that's purportedly when you'll hear the whole thing. Taylor Swift has released the songs “Shake It Off,” “Welcome to New York” and “Out of the Woods” in full so far.