Zack Snyder reveals ‘Justice League’ Superman not his ‘Superman’

At the London premiere of his new film “Sucker Punch,” director Zach Snyder cleared up a few things about the future of the DC Comics movie galaxy, namely that his “Superman” film, like Christopher Nolan’s current Batman cycle, will live in a separate universe from Warner Bros.’ planned “Justice League” film. That means that we may be seeing two different Supermen and two (or, possibly, three) different Batmen on theater screens within the next handful of years.

Speculation — and confusion — has run rampant since L.A. Times’ interview with WB exec Jeff Robinov, where he revealed the studio’s plans for a “Justice League” film (featuring heavy hitters like Supes, Bats, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc) in 2013, and a potential re-boot of the Batman franchise after Nolan’s film series ends with “The Dark Knight Rises” next summer.

When asked if his Superman film will fit into “Justice League,” Snyder told, “It doesn’t. Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what I”m doing with Superman, what they”ll do with Justice League will be its own thing with its own Batman and own Superman. We”ll be over here with our movie and they”ll kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool”

Warner Bros. almost went ahead with a bigscreen “Justice League” in 2007, but that project was shelved.

Read Drew McWeeny’s commentary on the controversy