Val Kilmer accidentally created a ‘Top Gun’ sequel starring Gene Hackman and directed by Francis Ford Coppola

A sequel to “Top Gun” has been in the works for years, but it looks like it's starting to fill out its cast, with Val Kilmer returning as Iceman. And, in a shocking twist, Francis Ford Coppola will direct and Gene Hackman will come out of retirement to star!

Or not. Mostly not.

Kilmer got “Top Gun” fans (at least, the ones who are okay with a sequel being made) very excited yesterday when he announced on Facebook that he “just got offered #topgun2,” and said yes without even reading a script.

And then he wrote this: “'It's starring Gene Hackman…' 'Yes' 'The director is Francis Coppola…' 'Yes!' Jerry Bruckheimer and Tom Cruise!!! 'Yes.'”

After several hours of confusion as to how Hackman and Coppola got involved with the project (and possibly after Kilmer got an earful from his agent), he edited the post to say that “they aren't involved in this production” but he had used them as “examples of what an actor says yes to.”

He also added: “This is a long way off so calm down. This has been talked about for a long long time and being offered a role is very different from doing a role. I jumped the gun with my post. I jumped the topgun… innocent mistake. It was just such a wonderful phone call with my agent…”

So … “Top Gun” sequel: still happening. Cruise involvement: not officially confirmed, but looking good. Iceman return: maybe. Hackman and Coppola: no.