‘Amazing Spider-Man’ director may not return for sequel

Will a new director tell the “Amazing Spider-Man” in the upcoming sequel? 

The Marvel superhero re-boot swung into theaters earlier this summer with a new Spidey (Andrew Garfield) and a new love interest (Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy). Many fans credited director Marc Webb with re-invigorating the decade-old franchise with hipness and humor. A sequel is in the works, but now it’s not certain whether Webb will return to helm the second film. 

Columbia executive Doug Belgrad told The Hollywood Reporter, “We’d really like him back, but there are obstacles. He has an obligation to Fox.”

That last line is a reference to the fact that Webb owes Fox a film as part of the deal that spawned his hit film debut “Days of Summer.”

Interestingly, Belgrad also admitted that “Amazing Spider-Man’s” production had some problems. “The section where Rhys Ifans’ character turns irrevocably into the Lizard [was a problem area]”, he revealed. “It took several months to figure out, and the filmmakers cut a bunch of scenes. In software parlance, it required a patch.”

So far, “The Amazing Spider-Man” has grossed a hearty $521 million at the global box office. Sony announced that the film is just the first of a trilogy, so maybe each film will have a new director. The second film is scheduled to open May 2, 2014. 

If Marc Webb is indeed out, who would you like to see direct “Amazing Spider-Man 2”?