Everyone from a retired senior officer of the Australian Army to the creator of Vikings to a U.S. senator has chastised Game of Thrones for the show’s “gratuitous” sex and violence. Even star Emilia Clarke gently suggested that “sex scenes should be more subtle… Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience.” It’s best not to disagree with the Mother of Dragons — we all know how that usually turns out — but that didn’t stop producers from casually mocking the criticisms.
The Game of Thrones season six DVD and Blu-Ray (out today!) includes a bevy of bonus and extended scenes, including one set in Braavos, where Arya is watching The Bloody Hand. That’s the somewhat-meta play starring Lady Crane and Bianca that retells the events of the series, except now Joffrey is the good guy and Tyrion is the evil imp. Arya is aghast at the revisionist inaccuracies, though not as outraged as the two women standing next to her, who remark, “Violence and profanity. How original.” They also complain about the play’s “disgusting and unacceptable” and “utterly gratuitous” nudity.
Arya’s response: “Why don’t you just leave then?”
It’s for the best that this scene was cut. It’s a little petty, although it could have been worse; at least Game of Thrones didn’t name a character after a critic and have him or her be a buffoon, like “Mayor Ebert” in Roland Emmerich’s Godzilla. IMDbUser69 Lannister doesn’t have the same ring to it.
(Via Winter Is Coming)