This Woman Tricked Her Husband Into Believing She Adopted A Coyote, And He Predictably Goes Nuts


Significant others often get bored and play pranks on each other, which is amazing in one sense because such endeavors are exhausting. Who has time for such shenanigans? YouTube prankers can at least claim the motivation of profits, but sometimes, a spouse simply pulls off an elaborate prank for the hell of it. And then the world wonders how these people are still married.

Such was the case with Kayla Eby, a wife and mother who decided that her husband needed to lose his mind while believing she had welcomed a coyote into the family home. She took to Facebook with an intricately concocted scheme that very well could have ended in divorce. We don’t know whether he’s recovered yet, but hopefully, her husband has a sense of humor despite how this text exchange plays out. Honestly, it looks like he went ballistic.

Kayla and friends set everything up with Photoshopping galore. Suddenly, it very much appeared that a coyote sat in multiple positions on the couch next to the couple’s son.

Yes, he seems pretty flabbergasted, upset, and completely incensed. And then he really goes off on her while she (presumably) laughed her butt off.

Finally, Kayla clued her husband into reality. You can almost hear his head explode after seeing this last photo. The poor man. He at least deserves a back massage after this prank.