This Girl’s Revenge On Her Boyfriend Demonstrates Why Proposal Pranks Are No Laughing Matter

The guy recording the above video is Brad Holmes, some kind of wannabe internet prankster who succeeded in coming that much closer to his goal of celebrity with this prank upon his unsuspecting girlfriend, Jenny Davies. Or, I say “unsuspecting,” assuming it’s not fake, which I wouldn’t put past the couple based on their thirsty online presence — so you can be the judge.

In the video, which was posted on Valentine’s Day (how sweet), Holmes sets up his camera, then asks his lady to come to him, kneels in front of her, says a few sweet words (that I can’t quite make out), and pulls a box out of his pocket containing a note that asks her to go make him a cup of tea.

Yuk yuk yuk! Killer prank, bro! Fake or not, Davies certainly sounds angry enough. Which would explain this second video uploaded a couple of weeks after the first, in which Davies wakes her not-fiancee up to present him with a positive pregnancy test.

Holmes is obviously less than enthused with the news (soooo… joke’s on her?) and even less enthused when she reveals the big ruse.

In either case, one thing is clear from watching these videos, and it’s that these two chuckleheads are obviously perfect for each other. Also that they should never actually procreate. Please, for the love of the human race.

(Via LadBible)