‘Star Wars’ Claims Padme Amidala Died In Childbirth, But Did She?

Hey guys, we’re almost there! Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is barreling down on us like Luke Skywalker on the Death Star’s thermal exhaust port. To celebrate, this week Harpy Headline has put the focus on Star Wars every single day! And to be perfectly honest, I could just talk about a galaxy far, far away in-depth every day until I die because the lore is dense enough collapse into a star. Basically, it’s been a fun week for me (and hopefully for you too).

Today’s topic looks into the sketchy AF death of Senator Padme Amidala, secret wife of Anakin Skywalker and mother to Leia and Luke. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith would have fans believe Padme died of a broken heart. A prevalent fan theory would argue Palpatine used the Dark Side to drain the life force from Padme in order to save the life of a dying Darth Vader. But I offer a third option: Padme never died. Instead, she joined forces with Bail Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda to fake her own death and go undercover to drum up support for the fledging Rebellion. All of this based on a single exchange of dialogue from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

And let’s be honest: This isn’t the craziest fan theory involving Padme and Obi-Wan I’ve talked about in the last year.

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