Does Magic Exist In The ‘Star Wars’ Universe?

There are only a scant few days remaining until fans sit down to watch Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and the countdown clock reset for the Episode VIII. If you have time, I highly recommend checking out the Rogue One prequel novel Catalyst before you head to the cineplex. Like all things Star Wars, adjunct lore is not crucial but does add a layer of depth to the main storylines.

To celebrate the impending thievery of the Death Star plans, this week the Harpy Headline is all Star Wars, all the time. To kick things off today, I’m pondering the question of whether or not a galaxy far, far away is infused with magic. And not just calling the Force by another name (after all Uncle Owen did refer to Obi-Wan as a “wizard”) but actual, “You’re a wizard, Harry!” type of magic that is not dependent on the user tapping into the Force. The answer is…maybe?

Rogue One will take audiences to Jedha, a Jedi mecca. Rogue One: Catalyst introduced readers to how some non-Force sensitive people view the Force as a religion. So one side of the coin is the Force-blind still believing in its power, the opposite side is the Nightsisters of Dathomir. First introduced during the animated series The Clone Wars, the Nightsisters are the closest Star Wars gets to declaring magic is real. In the video below, I discuss if the magical green ichor that grants unbelievable power to the women of Dathomir is related to the Force and end up somewhere completely different. Namely, could Snoke be from the same clan as Asajj Ventress (the most notorious of all the Dathomir witches)?

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