‘Arrow’ Debuts Its Midseason Premiere On This Week’s Geeky TV

Arrow wrapped up the first half of the season with the shocking return of Laurel Lance, formerly Black Canary. But, of course, there’s a twist: It’s Evil, Fun Laurel! Huzzah!

While it’s likely not the Evil, Fun Laurel we saw in The Flash‘s adventures in alternate reality, it’s pretty clear from previews, not to mention the fact the episode is titled “Who Are You?,” that this isn’t the Laurel we spent three seasons making fun of and then a couple being mildly surprised she was an effective vigilante. No, this is a mean Laurel, which, honestly, good. Laurel’s more fun when she’s attacking people with her sonic scream.

Meanwhile, pretty much everybody got broken up: Curtis was dumped by his husband for being a vigilante, Ollie accidentally killed Felicity’s boyfriend because apparently he’s unable to spot a trap despite being at this for ten years, and Diggle is back in jail on false charges. Also Prometheus, this season’s big bad and also Ollie’s creepy stalker, is still out there, still killing people and still being weirdly obsessed with Ollie. And finally Ollie is flashing back to hanging out with Dolph Lungren which, really, wouldn’t you? We’ll find out what Evil, Fun Laurel has in store tonight at 8pm EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?