Playboy’s ‘No Nudity’ Experiment Is Officially Over

Playboy sent shockwaves through the world of print in October of 2015. They announced the cessation of any nudity appearing their iconic magazine and the ditching of the subheader ‘Entertainment for Men.’ In the end they made their publication a print version of Instagram plus those articles that everyone famously buys the magazine for.

Hot takes abounded everywhere on the internet. At the time Playboy cited the endless availability of real porn and changing tastes amongst millennials (is there anything we can’t blame them for?). We had to wonder at some point, could Playboy survive without nudity? Now we have a concrete answer — no, it can’t.

Last October Hugh Hefner’s son, Cooper Hefner, took over Playboy and started steering the company back towards nudity. Hefner the Younger believes that the magazine over-corrected and plans to find a happy medium. He told the world via Twitter, “I’ll be the first to admit the way in which the magazine portrayed nudity was dated, but removing it entirely was a mistake.” He continued, “nudity was never the problem, because nudity isn’t a problem. Today, we’re taking our identity back and rediscovering who we are.”

Hefner is also bringing back a subheader for the magazine to replace the archaic ‘Entertainment for Men.’ ‘Naked is Normal’ will grace every cover going forward, which has a more progressive edge to it and aims to elevate destigmatization of nudity in general.

The nudity filled issue is coming to newsstands for March/April 2017 and will feature models Elizabeth Elam and Nina Marie Daniele for March and April respectively.

(Via BroBible)