Even Sean Hannity Thinks ‘Sensitive’ Trump ‘Shouldn’t Tweet Out Every Thought He Has’

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Fox News host and noted Donald Trump supporter Sean Hannity would go to the ends of the Earth to defend his good friend, President Trump. Yet even he believes that Trump is taking criticism too personally. In a CPAC interview with Hugh Hewitt that was released on Monday, Hannity also admitted that Trump should ease off on tweeting all of his grievances.

One of Trump’s favorite activities is tweeting, which he uses to call out his critics. His frustrated tweets have earned him more judgment, which also includes Hannity. He is one of the more outspoken media personalities to support Trump, and but even he believes there’s room for improvement:

“You know, we can all, he’s not a perfect person. And the difference between Trump and, say, other politicians, which is what I was just describing, they’ll say anything to get elected. He just stuck to what he believed in. And maybe that’s a fault. In other words, maybe he shouldn’t tweet out every thought he has. Maybe he’s a little too sensitive at times, I think.”

Trump often gets riled up in the face adversity, as his unhinged press conferences have shown. Despite his presidential pal’s flaws, Hannity remains a big fan of Trump because he’s stuck to his guns: “This guy has more courage than everybody at this convention combined. He’s fearless.” Well, he’s fearless of everything but criticism, but that’s part of the job.

(Via Hugh Hewitt.com)