John Cena Inevitably Got Slimed At The Kids’ Choice Awards

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The instant it was announced that John Cena would be hosting this year’s Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards — even before he dropped the “My Slime Is Now” remix on us — it was pretty much just a countdown to the 16-time world champ getting doused in goo.

On Saturday, the moment finally arrived, as Cena was completely in his element (an audience full of tweens) and held court all night long at the KCAs. He began by sort-of electrifying the crowd (and decidedly not electrifying Ellen DeGeneres) during his entrance that began on the red carpet, and then trying his damnedest to make a toilet paper gun seem as cool as The Rock’s flamethrower. He may have succeeded.

Later on, he had a dance-off with Nick Cannon.

At one point, he also rocked a slime suit, which was probably cooler than it had any right to be, and also doesn’t look all that different from the patterned suits we’ve seen him rock on Total Divas.

But the evening ended in literally the only way it could: with John Cena sliming the front row of the crowd with a slime-dispensing, scissor-lifted stage platform before getting flavor-blasted with slime (twice).

All in all, definitely a night to remember.

And thanks to the official Nickelodeon Instagram account, we now have two Cena GIFs or videos or whatever that will successfully haunt your nightmares for years to come.

Thanks for the memories, Nickelodeon. We’ll see you next year, when you dump Lana in a vat of fish guts or whatever.