Google And Levi’s Have Created A ‘Smart Jacket’ To Link To Your Phone

Google has been trying to make wearable technology happen for a while, which is why a decade from now Google Glass will be a joke up there with Members Only jackets and side ponytails. But this time around, Levi’s and Google might actually be onto something with a wearable upgrade to Levi’s trucker jacket.

Basically, what Google’s done with Project Jacquard is create a “smart textile” that can be woven into the jacket. Snap on a control device over the button on the left cuff, tuck your phone in your pocket, and you can use the cuff to issue basic commands to your phone. As you can see from the above video, it’s mostly taps on the wrist and short gestures that let you control basic functions like skipping songs or declining calls. You can configure what gesture does what with a handy app.

It’s an interesting idea, if for no other reason than unlike the smartwatches nobody’s buying or the video glasses people are mostly using for raunchy purposes, people might actually use this. If somebody wants to stay lightly connected but not stare at their phone, a jean jacket is a far more stylish option than, say, a Bluetooth headset. And yes, it’s washable. The main question now is whether people will go for it. We’ll find out later this year.

(Via Ars Technica)