This Savage Kitty Hates The Mail Carrier More Than Anything You’ve Ever Seen

Canada has long-since been subject to overwhelmingly positive stereotypes, and it’s easy to see why. Our overwhelmingly cheery neighbors to the north have a lot of nice things going for them. In Canada, nobody cares what bathroom anybody uses and they’re always around to cheer up a friend. And Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes us green with envy as he’s both a kind and progressive leader as well as a frigging heartthrob.

But not everything in Canada is warm and fuzzy — or warm, anyway. Canada Post mail carrier Debra Anderson uploaded the above video of a particularly feisty cat she encounters on her route everyday, and well, maybe “feisty” isn’t the right word for it. Murdery? Yes, definitely murdery.

“Aww, he’s looking at me already,” Debra chuckles to herself as she walks up to the house. “Let’s see if we can get a nice selfie,” she says, as the cat throws itself against the front window full of rage and fangs and frothing hate. The best part of the video is Debra herself, who is simultaneously terrified and delighted by the very creature plotting her death.

Did someone say part two? Oh, you better believe there’s a part two. I wish Debra would record these every day as a running diary type of situation, because it would never, ever, ever get old. In the meantime, we can always look back at this other mailman-hating cat who nearly shredded the a guy’s hand for the heinous crime of doing his damn job.