Mike And Maria Kanellis Made Their Surprise Debut At WWE Money In The Bank

Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis were rumored to be WWE-bound for some time now, and they were also rumored to be headed straight to the main roster when they debuted. That made a lot of sense, given how non-NXT-seeming their joint act has always been. And sure enough, during Sunday’s Money in the Bank pay-per-view, they made a big debut as “Mike and Maria Kanellis” (an amazing choice), appearing onstage by standing on an enormous heart, and addressing the crowd via headset microphones.

Kanellis said that she’s been gone for seven years, because she’s been searching for the perfect partner, and now the two of them are here to educate everyone on Smackdown Live on the power of love. Then they had a slow dance. The obnoxiousness was dialed up to twelve, and it was really something special. The cut back to the stunned announce team: also great.

The most important part about these new Smackdown roster members is that their incredible, Winger-style butt-rock theme be uploaded to YouTube and iTunes in high definition as quickly as humanly possible, because it’s easily the greatest theme since Bobby Roode’s “Glorious Domination.”

I’m looking forward to seeing whom the Kanellises (Kanellii?) run afoul of first over on the blue brand.