John Cena Could Be Taking On The Rock In An Upcoming DC Comics Film

If you didn’t get enough of John Cena vs. The Rock during ‘Once In A Lifetime’ at WrestleMania 28, didn’t get enough of the twice in a lifetime rematch at WrestleMania 29 and somehow didn’t get enough of them teaming up at WrestleMania 32, here’s some good news: you may get to see John Cena vs. The Rock, Thrice In A Lifetime, on the silver screen.

According to by way of That Hashtag Show, Big Movie John is one of two tentative front-runners for the Captain Marvel Shazam version of Billy Batson in the upcoming DCEU film Shazam!

A new report from That Hashtag Show hints at two possible candidates to play the older, superpowered version of Billy Batson. According to their sources, John Cena and Joshua Sasse are the tenative frontrunners for the part. The film’s previously rumored screentests have reportedly spawned “a third, dark horse contender” for the lead role, but they have “seemingly fallen out of favor”.

It’s too early to tell if Cena or Sasse will end up getting the lead role of Shazam!, but director David F. Sandberg did hint that official casting could be announced soon. With the film officially in pre-production, DC fans can hopefully expect some answers in the near future.

The Rock was offered the role first and turned in down in order to play Shazam’s nemesis, Black Adam. And while currently it doesn’t look like Black Adam shows up in the first Shazam!, you know they’re going to meet. Especially with casting that serendipitous. And that they’ll spend an entire sequel trading finishers and calling each other names.

Can we lean into this and cast Hulk Hogan as the wizard who gives Cena his powers?