Chris Jericho Is Pretty Sure The Rock Is Actually Going To Run For President

It seems like no matter what side of the political aisle you happen to land on, you’re pretty jazzed in some way about the prospect of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson possibly running for President of the United States in the year 2020. The historically Republican movie star and former WWE Superstar has been dropping hints that he’s considering running for the highest office in the land when the next election rolls around, and he’s wrapped both of his insanely muscular arms around the “Rock for President” memes that are still in their nascent stages.

But of course, there are still at least a couple more years of The Rock being terribly busy making scores of blockbuster films before the election rolls around. It’s not like Johnson ever takes an off day. And one of Rock’s contemporaries who is also staying quite busy is Chris Jericho, who is currently deep in the throes of press appearances to promote his fourth memoir.

So of course, now that there’s a former era-appropriate Rock rival making all sorts of mainstream media appearances, naturally the question of Johnson’s candidacy is bound to come up at some point. When Jericho stopped by the Rich Eisen Show, Eisen asked how seriously we should take the idea of Rocky Maivia running for President.

“I have no doubt that [a Rock candidacy] is going to happen. Honestly, I do. Not to get political, but I think we’re in the era now of celebrity Presidents. I think our current President got in because he knew how to work a camera. I think Rock knows how to work a camera better than Trump does, and has much more charisma, and [is] much more likable.

“Because you don’t even need experience to be a President anymore. All you need to do is just have the celebrity value. So I honestly think The Rock will run for President. I really do.”

Sure, I buy it. Jericho has always had an extremely high opinion of Rocky (just read his second book to find out how much Y2J loved mixing it up with Johnson in the ring), and he’s logged a lot of miles and a lot of hours of hangskis with The Rock, so he probably knows the guy’s mindset pretty well.

Buckle up, everyone. Still got a couple more years of this speculation left. And that’s even if he DOESN’T end up running.