Chris Jericho is currently taking time off from WWE to play shows with his band Fozzy and to promote his fourth book. If anyone has earned some time away from wrestling for a while, it’s certainly him.
Of course, Jericho is no stranger to taking extended time off from being a wrestler. He’s been doing it for years! Which actually makes it much more impressive that he’s managed to stay in such good in-ring shape during his many departures and returns. And believe it or not, Jericho is now pushing 50, and remains a barrel-chested specimen of a human being. So how does he do it?
During an interview with Business Insider, Jericho explained just how hard it is to stay in shape at his age, and what his fitness regimen is.
“How do I do it? It’s not like I’m in the gym five hours a day. Hell, I don’t even hardly go to the gym anymore. I love, you know, riding my bike long distances, but other than that, I think it really is a personable trait. Like, the ‘Gene Simmons Principle’ is ‘always look like a star.’ AKA always look your best. Always try to do something that makes you look a little bit better and a little bit of bounce and pep in your step.
“A few years ago, I did the Paleo diet or the ‘Caveman diet.’ All you do is just eat berries, nuts, meats, eggs, stuff that you can cull from the land. It’s great. Works like a charm. But after about four or five months, you start losing your mind. It’s like ‘Is it really worth it?’ If I want to have a cookie, I’m not gonna freaking, you know, purge myself because I enjoyed a hamburger. To me, there really is no diet. It’s just that, if I start feeling a little bit bigger, I’ll cut down. If I start feeling like I’m a little bit too cut up, then I’ll, you know, eat a little bit more. You don’t need a diet book or a doctor. Just be smart, man! Don’t eat s–tty food! That’s basically it! And if you do, don’t make it a habit. We’re living in a world now where, you know, the proverbial ‘age is just a number—’ I think it really is. Whereas maybe 10, 20, 30 years ago, when you got to a certain age, you had to punch your card and that was done. If you have a positive outlook, it opens up so many avenues, and that includes mentally and physically.”
So there you go: don’t eat bad food and have a positive mental outlook. Turns out, Jericho’s secret is the same secret that has always existed, everywhere, forever! Who would have known?