Sean Spicer Is Getting Dragged For Criticizing ‘Washington Post’ Coverage Of Harvey Weinstein

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Sean Spicer is, if nothing else, a glutton for punishment. Even after fleeing his oft maligned position in the Trump administration like Jesse Pinkman at the end of Breaking Bad, the former White House press secretary seems to keep putting himself in positions that lend themselves to ridicule. For example, Spicer’s appearance at the 2017 Emmy Awards was supposed to be his redeeming moment of poking fun at himself, however it was decidedly not well received and Billy Eichner later revealed that nobody wanted to talk to poor ol’ Spicer in the greenroom.

Perhaps because now he fancies himself part of the Hollywood elite, Spicer felt comfortable enough commenting on the Harvey Weinstein sexual harrassment scandal — or more specifically, the lack of coverage in the Washington Post print edition, as the communications professional pointed out that the Miramax co-founder is a “big Democrat donor.”

Unfortunately, what Spicer failed to comprehend was that the Weinstein expose was a New York Times exclusive. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski pointed out the inherent flaw in his logic in a subsequent series of tweets, reminding him of the hurdles of aggregating another outlet for print.

Kaczynski wasn’t the only one to pounce on Spicer, as many others jumped into the fray on Twitter to point and laugh.

Oh Spicey, will you ever win?

(Via Mediaite)