Bill Clinton Discusses The One Thing He Misses The Most About Being The President On ‘Conan’

Asking Bill Clinton what he misses most about being president opens him up for a lot of jokes and comments when you think about it, but that’s what happens when you’re president. You’re THE public figure and the target is the biggest in the nation when it comes to criticism or jokes. But for Clinton, according to his lengthy and folksy interview with Conan on Wednesday, the thing he misses the most is how nobody plays music when you enter the room after you’ve left the presidency.

Every hero needs a theme song according to I’m Gonna Git You Sucka. While Clinton isn’t necessarily a hero to everybody, he does have his moments of success and having a theme song is a good feeling. Walking around with a speaker shirt on to give yourself one just isn’t the same and will likely end with you shirtless and bleeding along the side of the road. Being president allows you to achieve this the right way and without any harm coming to you — hopefully.

Clinton then turned up the charm a bit by recounting his days as a grocery boy, discussing how he used that quick Clinton wit to secure his job as a bag boy, and then moved on to sell used comics. It’s like Mayberry brought back to life.

To drive the young Clinton days home, the former president shares his own #PuberMe photo for a little comparison with Conan. Clinton has the slick hair and chubby cheeks you’d expect while Conan looks like he has just seen a ghost and it informed him that Howdy Doody wasn’t real. Young Conan truly sells the idea that the host never grew up, he just got a taller with better hair.

There’s a lot more in the interview that isn’t included here, including some talk about the election results on Tuesday, the opioid crisis in America, and why the country needs immigrants more than ever during this period where it seems we want to shut them out. It’s worth a look for the more serious side of Conan’s interview skills. But in terms of the lighter moments, Clinton marks this occasion by giving Conan a gift to place on his desk next to Dwight Eisenhower: A Bill Clinton presidential bobblehead.

He even manages to get a little history lesson in by the end by discussing why he likes Ike and the former president’s efforts to integrate Little Rock Central High School. It’s a cool moment from an fairly interesting interview, with a surprising lack of Trump talk throughout.

(Via Team Coco)