James Franco Faced Some Tough Questions About Sexual Misconduct On ‘The Late Show’

Not long after his canceled event for The Disaster Artist with The New York Times, James Franco and Dave Franco dropped into The Late Show to talk about the Golden Globes, Tommy Wiseau, and The Disaster Artist. But what ended up happening — much like his previous interview with Ben Affleck — Colbert dove into the criticism against Franco for wearing a “Time’s Up” pin and the sexual misconduct allegations against him.

Colbert treads lightly at first, giving Franco a chance to back off, but he doesn’t hesitate to dive into his feelings about the #MeToo movement, the feeling at the Golden Globes, and each of the allegations against him. He denies the accuracy of the statements against him, but seems to willing to do whatever he can to make things right:

“There were some things on Twitter, I haven’t read them. I’ve heard about them…I have no idea what I did to Ally Sheedy,” said Franco. “I have total respect for her. She took the tweet down, I can’t speak for her.

“The others, in my life I pride myself on taking responsibility for what I’ve done. The things I heard are not accurate, but I completely support people coming out because they didn’t have a voice for so long. I don’t want to shut them down in any way. I think it’s a good thing and I support it.”

From there, Colbert asks him what is next and what needs to be done. This leads to Franco reiterating that he is out to make things right and he wants to change if he needs to:

“I can’t live if there’s restitution to be made. If I’ve done something wrong, I will fix it. I have to. I don’t know what else to do. As far as the bigger issue of how we do it, I really don’t have the answers. I think the point of this whole thing is that we listen. I’m here to listen and learn and change my perspective where it’s off. I’m completely willing and want to.”

Before the interview got very serious, Franco joked about Tommy Wiseau and revealed why he had to block him from speaking during the acceptance speech. This leads to Franco performing Wiseau’s planned words for Colbert.

(Via The Late Show)