Jimmy Fallon Pledges To Walk With The Parkland Students During The ‘March For Our Lives’ In Washington, D.C.

Jimmy Fallon points out that he was on hiatus during the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida and its dramatic aftermath that has seemingly taken the gun control discussion to different a level. As Trevor Noah said on The Daily Show last week, these kids are using their privilege to push for change and it seems to be making a difference. The big push seems to be the March For Our Lives on March 24th in Washington, DC, and plenty of folks are getting behind the effort to bring about some real change with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The latest is Fallon himself, who returns to show his support to the students and their efforts by pledging to join them in D.C. for March For Our Lives alongside his wife and two children. Fallon actually seems to be a bit emotional during the short segment but shares his amazement at what the students and their supporters have been doing in the past weeks:

“What they had to live through, and what they have to live with, is something that I can’t even imagine…They’re speaking out with more guts, passion, conviction and common sense than most adults”

He also calls their efforts “a real revolution,” which still remains to be seen. It’s definitely far louder and far more active than what we’ve seen in the past, so he could possibly end up being right.

(Via The Tonight Show)