A New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Poster Teases The Final Season


Game of Thrones isn’t back until 2019. That sounds like an impossibly long wait — there will be a new Hellboy before we see the Starks again — but with all due respect to Tom Petty, waiting isn’t the hardest part. Filling the dragon-shaped hole in our heart when Thrones is gone for good is. There are only six (possibly feature film-length) episodes of HBO’s Emmy-winning hit left, so we’ll take every bit of Westeros goodness we can get. Like a new poster!

Collider got their hands on a promo poster from the Licensing Expo, where “hundreds of exhibitors representing more than 5,000 brands gather in one place to try and excite retailers to sell their brands.” Basically, it’s where big companies, like Disney or HBO, show off artwork that hasn’t been released to the public yet. The expo isn’t held until May, but an insider passed along the Game of Thrones season eight poster “for people in the licensing industry.”

The poster is to the point: there’s the logo, the year “the final season” airs, and the Stark, Targaryen, and Lannister sigils. It’s not dissimilar from last season’s official poster, except instead of a light blue frozen background, it’s now dark. There are no clues or deeper meanings, but whatever: it’s Game of Thrones.

Is it 2019 yet?

(Via Collider)