‘Star Wars: Rebels’ Subtly Puts A Character Dating Back To ‘The Clone Wars’ Into ‘Return Of The Jedi’


CT-7567, also known as Rex, is not only one of the most decorated soldiers in the Clone Wars, but as of the Star Wars: Rebels finale, one of the longest-running characters in the Star Wars universe. Thanks to a subtle retcon, a fan theory has become reality, and Rex now officially appears in 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

Serving alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker for years as the Clone Wars raged on, Rex was able to remove his inhibitor chip before Order 66 was given and the clone army turned on the Jedi. Rex and Anakin Skywalker’s padawan Ahsoka Tano faked their deaths to escape the Empire, only to show up years later in Rebels, season two.


So not only did Rex survive the Rebels finale, but he made it through the original trilogy and beyond. Here’s the man formerly known as “Nik Sant” with his now-legendary white beard fighting alongside Han Solo on Endor:


Rebels director and producer Dave Filoni had his eye on Rex being retconned in as far back as 2016. Why? because he could, and the change would add to the overall universe, something he has a knack for doing (h/t SlashFilm):

But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor. I really do. Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano? Why? It makes no sense. If you don’t want that to happen, do you know what that means? I’m gonna make that happen. I’m getting like Palpatine, I’m getting power crazy.

Considering Return of the Jedi takes place nearly 10 years after the Rebels finale. That makes Rex roughly 60 or 70 years old fighting next to Ewoks with the vigor of a man half his age. But since he’s a clone, is he actually only 30-40 years old? How does that aging process work? And is Rex still alive in Episodes VII-IX? If so, are only R2-D2 and Threepio the only characters older than him in the saga?

(Via SlashFilm/MovieWeb)