What Should We Expect From Peter Dinklage’s Mystery Role In ‘Avengers: Infinity War?’

Marvel Studios

Peter Dinklage was reported to be joining the cast of Avengers: Infinity War back in January 2017, followed by some paparazzi photos of the Game Of Thrones star sporting some red hair that many felt was connected to the possible role. With the release of the latest Infinity War trailer and poster, we now have confirmation that Dinklage is in the film. What we don’t have is any real official clue about who he will be playing. There are possibilities, though.

Some of the more publicized roles have been the Black Order or Children of Thanos, seen above during their introduction at D23 last year. Feige hinted that some familiar voices will be portraying these characters on the big screen, with a focus on Proxima Midnight during a recent chat with Vulture:

“There are interesting people doing the voices,” of those henchpeople, said Feige. But don’t expect him to reveal exactly who he’s hired just yet, though any actress would be lucky to have “Proxima Midnight” on her IMDb page. “You’ll probably know when you see the movie,” said Feige.

Dinklage has done some voice work in the past, but there’s another role with a connection to Marvel’s cosmic settings and Thanos that most people are pointing to:


While it seems a bit too on the nose to cast Dinklage as Pip The Troll, it is a character that actually shares a lot of qualities with his Game Of Thrones role as Tyrion Lannister. Pip is a former prince, loved to drink and pal around with the women of his home planet, has been slated for execution a few times, and is pals with a golden-haired partner in crime from time to time. It’s Jaime Lannister in Westeros, but Adam Warlock in the pages of Marvel Comics.

Pip The Troll played a part in the original Infinity Gauntlet storyline, interacting with Doctor Strange while Adam Warlock did what he could to save the universe from Thanos. Before that, he had a few other run-ins with the tyrant that didn’t end so well and actually led to his placement in the Soul Stone until he could be resurrected with Warlock and Gamora during Infinity Gauntlet.

As with most comic book storylines, explaining it makes you sound like a crazy person. Pip is the perfect type of character for Dinklage, though. A nice addition to hopefully bring some levity to what should be an overly dramatic tale. The real question should be who will take the Warlock position in this tale? Will it be Captain Marvel? She’s got the hair down at least.

(Via i09 / Comic Book / Vulture)