Stan Lee has had a cameo in almost every Marvel movie, playing himself as a galaxy-hopping quality control expert, and in the original Deadpool, he was a strip club DJ. However, it might seem, at first, that Stan has finally skipped a movie with Deadpool 2. It turns out, however, that he’s there, just not in person.
Light spoilers below!
During the convoy attack that anchors the movie’s second act, Domino finds herself chasing it alone, swinging through the buildings of downtown… well, downtown Canada, we guess, with a parachute. As she swings towards the convoy, keep an eye on the right-hand side of the frame, and you’ll see Stan The Man rendered in a psychedelic mural. It whips by extremely quicky, so maybe save spotting it for the second time you see it; Domino’s action sequence is even better than the trailer implied.
As for why Stan himself doesn’t appear, well, he’s 95 and has not had the best time of things lately, and is dealing with the fallout of alleged misconduct toward his nurses. So he might simply have been unable to make it to the set, for any number of reasons. But, hey, at least he wasn’t forced to jump out of a helicopter.