If you’ve ever wanted to be the proud owner of a legendary left shoe (and a piece of cinema history), you’re in luck! An original Nike Mag is up for auction on eBay with the bid hovering near $100,000 as of now. The Nike Mag, made specifically for Back to the Future 2 by sneaker legend Tinker Hatfield, were notable for their self-lacing technology. Nike has indicated that they are interested in making self-lacing shoes, but we’d rather just have a pair of lace-up air mags with a few more modern adjustments and the option for other pastel colors (pink or yellow please).
However, time travel has taken its toll on the shoe, as it’s deteriorating. Several foam pieces are flaking off of the heel, and the plastic outsole separates if you pick it up, but at least some of the crumbles have been preserved in two small plastic bags!

One day the whole shoe will fit in the bags, reminding shoe collector’s everywhere just how temporary their collections can be. Fear not shoe-collectors, all you’ll need is a time-traveling boy who almost slept with his mother and has a disgraced nuclear physicist for a best friend to wear your shoes and you’re all good.
Obviously, this is a local pick-up only situation as the shoe is much too fragile to ship, but if you’re near IndexPDX in Portland you can check out the shoe on display. Just a few original Nike Mag’s were made in 1989 (which, incidentally is the year of my birth — I’m holding up better than the shoe, but unfortunately, the shoe is worth much much more). Check out this piece of movie-fashion history in person if you’re in Oregon. Or, you know, buy it if you’re insane.