Brie Larson Confirms ‘Captain Marvel’ Has Wrapped While Possibly Hinting At Her Character’s Whereabouts

(Warning: Spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War follow.)

Captain Marvel is officially a wrap, as communicated to social media with this photo from Brie Larson, who plays the film’s titular heroine in this origin story, which is set in the 1990s. Samuel L. Jackson, who (of course) plays Nick Fury, has already revealed how important the Carol Danvers character will ultimately be (she’ll likely lead Phase 4), and it was clear from the Avengers: Infinity War post-credits scene that Fury summoned Captain Marvel moments before he disintegrated while Thanos brought his genocidal plan to fruition. Yet many have been wondering exactly where the hell Danvers has been while Marvel has frenetically executed Phases 1-3 of the MCU.

From the above image, one can take a guess, although it might be a stretch (albeit a fun leap to take). Beyond the obvious circling of the wrap date on a calendar, the spaceship drawing suggests that Danvers, who’s a pilot with her own ship, finished up her origin story by flying away to … who knows where? Somewhere in outer space, possibly while fighting in the Kree-Skrull War, never to be seen in theaters again until Fury calls her in to help clean up Thanos’ mess in Avengers 4.

In related news, Collider recently revealed that Jackson will be digitally de-aged by a few decades in Captain Marvel, which means that audiences will revisit Jackson’s mug at around the time he filmed Pulp Fiction. There’s probably no Big Kahuna burger to be found in he MCU, but one can always hope.

(Via Brie Larson on Instagram & Collider)