MoviePass Is Getting Roasted As Subscribers Brace For The Service’s Imminent Demise


MoviePass continued its slow circling of the drain this week when it was announced that two upcoming major releases — Disney’s Christopher Robin and Jason Statham’s shark action flick The Meg — would not be available to subscribers. The news came on the heels the service angering users by blocking Mission: Impossible — Fallout on the opening weekend, as well as widespread outages and generally being out of money.

Should MoviePass evade certain death, CEO Mitch Lowe revealed in an all-hands meeting on Monday that subscribers had better get used to not having access to tickets to major releases, which is certainly not helping their case.

People who have shelled out for the subscription (in many cases, on an annual, not monthly basis) are now fuming over the bait-and-switch tactics of the dying company — which also recently included tacking on surge pricing to popular movies.

But since there’s nothing that can really be done anyway at this point, many people are turning to Twitter to roast MoviePass’ probable demise and there are certainly no shortage of jokes to be found.

But hey, at least a few people were able to offer some kind words about MoviePass:

R.I.P., MoviePass. You were beautiful and ill-conceived for this world.