This Viral Twitter Meme Evolved Into The Real Thing For A Michael B. Jordan Fan

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Over last weekend, the heartwarming story went viral of a young woman looking to reunite with a friend she had met and quickly bonded with during a dinner cruise in Hawaii in 2006. Taking a shot in the dark, she tweeted out a photo of the two as children. “We were basically best friends for that night so I need y’all to help me find my best friend cause I miss her and I need to see how she’s doing now,” @briannacry posted on Twitter, adding “Please retweet this so we can be reunited.”

Suffice to say, Twitter worked its magic and the two were quickly and adorably reconnected:

Taking a page from the two pals book, a 27-year-old London-based writer named Bolu Babalola thought she’d employ the same tactic using a bit of fancy Photoshop work to meet Creed and Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan.

“I met this guy on holiday this summer, we had a such a great connection but I changed my number and we lost touch,” she joked. “Twitter do your thing!”

Well, as it just so happened, Jordan was in town for the London premiere and Q&A for Creed II, and after her tweet went viral, Babalola managed to get herself an invite.

Yes, mission accomplished — she not only got to ask her question, but Jordan was so gracious that he even insisted they get a photo together.

And Jordan had such a good sense of humor about the whole thing that he even later retweeted her, adding that it was nice to meet her, “for the second time.”

Babalola later told Buzzfeed that when seeing the original viral post, she thought in a “split second” thought it would be fun to spoof with the image, which a friend of hers had Photoshopped.

“Obviously I have a crush on Michael B. Jordan,” she explained. “Everybody who likes men has a crush on Michael B. Jordan, but in my group chat it is known that I *very much* have a crush on Michael B. Jordan.”

Well, she’s not 100 percent wrong. And at the very least, it gives Creed II an added bump of extra publicity — not that it exactly needs it, anyway.