Vince Russo Says WWE Looked Into A Post-Trial Angle With OJ Simpson


There’s been a rumor for a couple of years now, originally propagated on Bruce Prichard’s podcast, that Vince Russo once tried to book a WWE match between OJ Simpson and Ronald Goldman, the father of one of the two people OJ was arrested for murdering. This was after OJ was found Not Guilty at his initial trial, and the public had a lot of emotions about the whole thing. According to Prichard, the match would have involved Goldman having his choice of weapons to use against OJ, including a gun.

Vince Russo responded to all this in the latest episode of his podcast, Truth With Consequences. In Russo’s version (transcribed by, he’s not the one who was keen to work with OJ Simpson.

I remember this vividly. And you know me, bro. When I don’t remember it vividly, I watch what I say because I don’t want to be wrong. I went to Bruce’s house one day. That’s where they used to write the show. This is when I was third wheel, okay bro? And Cornette was not there, it was early in the morning. It was just me and Bruce. Bruce told me he had just gotten off the phone with Vince, and they were seriously considering an OJ Simpson angle, and Roddy Piper was a part of that angle. Bro, keep in mind, the OJ thing had just happened. He was just found not guilty. I mean, this thing was on fire.

And I remember my kneejerk reaction to Bruce was, “Bro, like, are you freaking nuts?” If OJ Simpson got a payday from the WWE, like that would not look good for the company. I said, “Bro, the only way you could ever book that match is if Ron Goldman, Ronald Goldman himself freaking beat the shit out of OJ Simpson.” That’s the only way you could ever get away with booking that match. That was the entire content of that episode, bro. This is the first time I’ve ever heard anything about a gun, never ever heard that before. But like I said, what I did say was, “Bro, the only way you guys could get away with that was if Ronald Goldman himself beat the shit out of OJ Simpson.”

Whoever wanted what, we can at least be relieved that WWE didn’t book OJ Simpson. They managed not to go into business with any non-wrestling murderers until they started working with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman just last year.