Frotcast Bonus: Matt And Vince Talk ‘Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker’

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As Robert Evans once wrote, “Fighting is healthy. If everyone has too much reverence for each other, or for the material, results are invariably underwhelming. It’s irreverence that makes things sizzle. It’s irreverence that gives you that shot at touching magic.”

That, in a nutshell, is what was wrong with Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker, in this podder’s opinion. A film needs to have a point of view, and this film’s point of view seemed to be “We really like Star Wars movies! Hooray, Leia! Hooray, Lando!”

That being said, Star Wars movies tend to range in quality from B+ to B-, so even when I say it was “bad” I mean that it was still more or less okay, and only marginally worse than the last couple of Star Wars movies. I do think it was the worst of any of the new ones. Matt liked it more than I did, but we both agree that it was better than the prequels, which is a low bar indeed. Also, it should be noted that Matt is a Star Wars employee (or a Star Wars independent contractor, at any rate). Though we all know professional loyalty hasn’t made him hold back any opinions in the past

Anyway, we discuss all of that, including whether the original trilogy is a story about how the Boomers “beat” the Empire, and whether the principals in the latest trilogy (millennials?) should be taking the Boomers’ advice on how to defeat the reformed Empire once again (with all due citation to Matt Louv‘s comedy bit that inspired this whole discussion). There are smaller matters too, like how the hell people are riding horses on top of ships in outer space, whether Lando was horny at the end there, and why all the black characters seem to know each other. Oh, and Matt debuts a few new characters, including “Bubba Fett,” intergalactic bounty hunter and former long-haul trucker. Please enjoy.

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