Stone Cold Steve Austin Is Returning To WWE Raw On A Very Special Day

Stone Cold Steve Austin might be the greatest WWE star of all time, and he’s never really gone away. I mean sure, you’re not going to find him fighting another old timer in Saudi Arabia (thankfully), but he’s always up for an appearance when WWE needs a boost, or letting the WWE Network broadcast his podcast. Today we learned he has another appearance coming up, and when it happens is so on-the-nose that there’s no way WWE could have ignored it.

The week after next, Raw will be on March 16th — yes that’s right, 3/16 — and Stone Cold announced on Twitter that he’ll be there.

Subsequent tweets from the USA Network and WWE make it clear that they’re treating 3/16 as a whole Steve Austin-themed holiday, which honestly is a fun idea.

Of course we don’t know what Stone Cold’s going to do on Raw, aside from making puns about the date. We have to assume he’ll probably give someone a Stunner, since that’s what usually happens. Seth Rollins honestly seems like a really good candidate for that right now, considering his current gimmick is pretty much “please, somebody shut this guy up.” Whoever it is, there will probably be beer afterwards. Even when these things are predictable nobody really minds, because we just like seeing Steve Austin.