The Reviews Are In For The MyPillow Guy’s Nutty ‘Documentary’ About The 2020 Election, And It’s Everything You Imagined

I know it’s only February, but I’m ready to call it: Mike Lindell’s three-hour election fraud movie is the best comedy of the year.

On Thursday, Lindell, a.k.a. the MyPillow guy, a.k.a. alt-right Mario, appeared on the Christian-leaning YouTube channel, the Revival Channel, to announce that he would be releasing a “documentary” on Friday that would prove, without a doubt, “the theft by China and these different international locations, this cyberattack on our nation right here, that took, that flipped votes.” Well, it’s Friday, and I have doubts.

Absolute Proof premiered this morning on OANN, which slapped a 80-second disclaimer to the beginning of the thing. “Michael James Lindell has purchased the airtime for the broadcast of this program on One America News (“OAN”) network. Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program and is solely and exclusively responsible for its content,” the warning reads. “The topic of this broadcast is the 2020 election. OAN has undertaken its own reporting on this topic. This program is not the product of OAN’s reporting.” We’re already off to a great start. But don’t worry, it gets better (much worse).

Here are some budget-busting graphics.

Lindell is crushing those “algorithms.”

Rudy’s wine lady is BACK.

He also got the guy who claims he invented email (he did not invent email).

It will not surprise you to learn that he hasn’t been sleeping (those poor unused pillows).

The tl;dw version.

This is not Lindell’s first foray into film. He was the subject of the documentary The Mike Lindell Story: An American Dream, the page for which no longer exists. Five stars!