Trump Tried To Toast Newlyweds At Mar-A-Lago And Only Wound Up Ranting Deliriously About Biden And The Election He Lost

We’re coming in on three months since Donald J. Trump was booted from much of social media, including a lifetime ban from his favorite spot, Twitter. We still hear from him time and again. He’ll call into Fox News. He’ll send out “press releases” that are essentially a tweet or two. And now it looks like he’s fallen so far from grace that he’ll rant incoherently during wedding toasts.

TMZ procured a video of the 45th U.S. president getting on a mic to wish the best to a pair of newlyweds who decided to hold their big day at Mar-a-Lago, his resort home and what was considered until earlier this year the “Southern White House.” Except he didn’t have a lot to say about the happy couple. He just used it as a chance to ramble and moan about his successor, current president Joe Biden, and to re-air some more election 2020 nonsense.

Trump treated a room of revelers — in a place that had a COVID-19 outbreak just last weekend — like they were rally attendees, there to listen to whatever was on his mind. So what was on his mind? China, of course. He talked about Iran sanctions. And the border. “The border’s not good, the border’s the worst anyone has ever seen it,” he told people present to celebrate a marriage. “Look, it’s a disaster. It’s a humanitarian disaster from their standpoint, and it’s going to destroy the country.”

After bringing the party way down with gloomy predictions, Trump then asked the crowd, “Do you miss me yet?” Then he talked about getting 75 millions votes, which is still a smaller number than 81 million acquired by his rival, and the “strange thing” of absentee ballots, most of them for Biden, finally being counted at night.

A part of Trump’s brain belatedly remembered that he was speaking at a wedding, and he took a sharp pivot to briefly wish the newlyweds the best. Who knows what the two thought about a failed incumbent prattling on for two minutes about how their future is doomed, but lucky for us, one guest had the foresight to record the whole thing, so we can all see how the big guy is doing in retirement.

You can watch the full video above.

(Via TMZ)