Matt Gaetz Is Demanding An Investigation Into Tucker Carlson’s Claims That The NSA Is Spying On Him

Republican Representative Matt Gaetz is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice over sex trafficking charges, so you’d assume he’d be the last person to call for yet another investigation into the affairs of one of his conservative-leaning buddies. And yet, here we are.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Gaetz used his time to address some disturbing allegations from the camp of Tucker Carlson, asking Congress to investigate claims made by the Fox News host on-air this week. Those claims center on Carlson’s belief that the National Security Agency is spying on him and his team. Earlier this week, Carlson went on a bizarre rant that ended with an accusation against the NSA saying a “whistleblower” had reached out to warn him that the agency was “monitoring our electronic communications” with the intention to “leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air.”

So Carlson thinks a government agency is allocating resources to take down the TV show he uses to spew wild conspiracy theories and insult top-ranking military members by calling them “stupid pigs.” But the kicker is that Gaetz, a politician currently embroiled in his own legal scandal, seems to believe it, too, and he’s using his platform to ask Congress to look into these weird claims his friend has made — despite the fact that the NSA has completely denied these allegations and that Gaetz really can’t afford to wade into yet another political catastrophe.

“It’s not like the NSA’s never lied to us,” Gaetz said (in a video that he tweeted out) during the hearing after calling the NSA’s statement denying Carlson’s claim a “couched” statement. “We were told that there was no bulk collection of Americans’ data. It turns out there was bulk collection of Americans’ data and no one ever was held to account for that. We cannot count on these people to police themselves.”

Gaetz wasn’t done yet. He continued, asking that an “Inspector General investigation into any monitoring that the NSA or any other element of the intelligence community is engaged relevant to Tucker Carlson” be conducted. Now, Carlson and Gaetz recently had a bit of a falling out after Gaetz came on Carlson’s show to defend himself against those pesky sex trafficking allegations and the whole thing read like a Twilight Zone episode. Carlson was apparently a bit peeved that Gaetz seemed to “drag” him into the whole thing, which again, feels like a good enough reason for the Congressman to keep his mouth shut when it comes to alleged investigations into Carlson’s activity.