Fox News Quietly Deleted A Blatantly Anti-Semitic ‘Puppet Master’ Political Cartoon From Its Instagram And Facebook Pages

First the Laura Logan mishegoss, now this: As per The Daily Beast, Fox News’ social media accounts deleted a cartoon criticizing George Soros after it was pointed out that it depicted an infamously anti-Semitic trope. The image, drawn by conservative cartoonist A.F. Branco, showed the progressive-leaning billionaire — a long-favorite target of Republican opprobrium — holding the strings of two Democratic donkeys, one holding a sign for “defund police,” other “no bail.” It’s a reference to righwing complaints about progressive criminal justice policies and Soros’ supposed influence upon them.

The caption referred to Soros, who is Jewish, as “the puppet master” — a term that has long been used as an anti-Semitic trope. The image was shared on both its Facebook and Instagram accounts. On the latter, it received 16,000 likes before it was removed.

Among the post’s critics was the Anti-Defamation League. “As we have told Fox News numerous times, casting a Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates national events for malign purposes conjures up longstanding antisemitic tropes about Jewish power + contributes to the normalization of antisemitism,” the ADL tweeted after the image appeared. “This needs to be removed.”

The network has a history of trading in anti-Semitic tropes. Last March, substitute Ingraham Angle host Raymond Arroy — filling in for the host, currently under fire for recently unearthed frantic texts she sent on Jan. 6 conveying horror at the Capitol riot that she would later downplay — devoted an entire segment to calling Michael Bloomberg, who is also Jewish, a “puppet master.” Only two weeks ago Fox Nation host Lara Logan compared Dr. Fauci to Dr. Josef Mengele, aka the Nazi concentration camp doctor known as the “Angel of Death.”

(Via The Daily Beast)