Joy Behar Proposed A ‘Sex Strike’ As The Best Way For Women To Protest The Roe V. Wade Overturning

Joy Behar thinks one way to fight the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade reversal is in the bedroom.

The View co-host suggested this week that women across the country should go on a “sex strike” in order to protest a leaked draft opinion that suggests the Supreme Court will overturn the case that protects a woman’s right to choose. As the show’s panel was discussing what the decision might mean for women’s rights and women’s healthcare, Behar gave some historical comparisons for her preferred form of resistance.

“Women in the world have conducted sex strikes in history,” Behar told her co-hosts. “In 2003, a sex strike helped to end Liberia’s brutal civil war, and the woman who started it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2009, Kenyan women enforced a sex ban until police political infighting ceased. Within one week, there was a stable government.”

The audience initially laughed at Behar’s suggestion, but the comedian seemed very serious about removing sex from the equation when it comes to abortion adding, “We have more power than we think we do and some of it could be in the bedroom.” Behar’s fellow co-host Sara Haines supported the move calling it “a perfect weapon and method for the topic we’re talking about.”

The only problem? If women are using sex as currency to negotiate their own bodily autonomy, they’re just reinforcing outdated ideas about women’s subservience and their roles in society. And previously, co-host Whoopi Goldberg warned that men’s bodily autonomy might be on the chopping block next.

“I want us all to have the same rights, the right to decide what is right for yourself,” Goldberg said. “Otherwise, men, this is going to come after you in some weird way too.”

(Via Mediaite)