If You Google ‘Splatoon’ You Can Splat Your Search Results In A Fun Easter Egg

Google is regularly tweaking its doodle for holidays and other special occasions, but they also will sometimes create a fun easter egg for certain movies, shows, or games.

On Thursday, if you Googled Splatoon it would lead to the usual search engine results you’d expect, but off to the side is a splatch of ink. If you click on that then you can start painting the screen the same way players in the do paint turf. You can then spend the rest of your time on the page painting your screen until you want to stop. It’s extremely addictive.

Splatoon Google Easter Egg
Google Screenshot

This isn’t the first time Google has done a video game themed Easter Egg. For the Summer Olympics, they made the Google doodle into a playable JRPG where players could compete in multiple Olympic minigames. Hopefully, we see more fun stuff like this in the future with other games, as there are plenty of opportunities to create unique little things like this all over the gaming space.

As for Splatoon, it’s awesome to see one of Nintendo’s newer IPs only increase in popularity as time goes on. Splatoon 3, which was released just last month, is one of the best multiplayer games of the year and well worth trying if you own a Nintendo Switch.