Trevor Noah Thinks That The Only Politician Who Should Have A Say In A Woman’s Abortion Is Herschel Walker, Because The Baby ‘Is Probably His’

Earlier this week, all eyes were on Pennsylvania as senatorial candidates John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz finally faced off in their first — and what will be their only — debate. For many watchers, the main attraction was to see how Fetterman, who is recovering from a May stroke, would handle being put on the spot and in the spotlight. For others, it was a chance to see Dr. Oz turn the most innocuous comment into something totally creepy-sounding. But on Wednesday night, Trevor Noah admitted that he feels bad for Fetterman, “because he had a stroke. And on top of that, after the debate, Dr. Oz tried to sell him a supplement that would cure him for $59.99.”

Still, the portion of the debate that was of most interest to Noah was when it came to the abortion conversation, and watching Dr. Oz attempt to wriggle his way out of having to come up with any sort of definitive position. As Noah explained:

After securing the Republican nomination, Dr. Oz has been trying to distance himself from the MAGA side of the force, and reposition himself as a bipartisan voice of reason. He’s trying to scoop up all the centrist voters on Election Day. He’s basically doing that TikTok thing where you flip your hair down, and when you come up you act like you suddenly didn’t want to hang Mike Pence. But here’s the thing: Being pro-Trump and pro-reasonable is a lot harder than people think. Which was apparent when Dr. Oz had to explain his position on abortion.

The question posed to Oz was simple: “Should abortion be banned in America?”

Doc Oz’s response was not as simple: “There should not be involvement from the federal government in how states decide their abortion decisions. As a physician, I’ve been in the room when there are some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, [and] local political leaders letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

Noah was amused by how Dr. Oz just threw “local political leaders” into the decision-making process at the very end, “like a teenager buying condoms at a gas station.” The way Noah sees it:

If you’re pro-choice, what Dr. Oz is saying is bullshit. I think we can all agree, there is only one politician who should have a say in your abortion, and that’s Herschel Walker — ’cause it’s his. It’s his! It’s probably his! Ladies, check: They’re all his.

You can watch the full clip above, beginning at the 2:30 mark.