Elmo Trends On Twitter/X After Their ‘Just Checking In’ Post Showed How Exhausted And Over It People Are

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but the furry folks of Sesame Street have been living in chaos for the last few days. While Big Bird battled his sudden loss of bigness, Oscar the Grouch decided to join Instagram, and he instantly regretted it. And we don’t even know what’s going on with Bert and Ernie, as per usual. So, being the good friend he is, Elmo decided to check in on everyone, a move he probably regrets now.

Our favorite red monster (sorry, Clifford) Elmo logged on to Twitter/X/Whatever we are calling it to see how everyone is doing. Because he cares.

It was harmless, but it also invited everyone to treat the poor little guy as their own personal therapist. Suddenly, Elmo was met with a sea of responses from jaded internet users who forgot that Elmo is only three years old and he’s not built for this kind of emotional depth. Ask him to count to 10 or recite the letter of the day, sure! But he can’t form introspective conclusions yet. Still, the replies piled on:

Some people took to violence and threatened poor Dorothy:

The consensus here is that people are Not Good. But Elmo doesn’t need to know that!!!! He just wants to play the flute and eat cookies.

Sesame Street finally chimed in to remind everyone that logging off every once in a while is a great idea, and we should all do it so that Elmo can get in a little nap.