Wonder Woman Rebooting as…A Horror Comic?

Poor Wondy. DC has pretty much spent the last decade or so figuring out what the hell to do with her. Their last bright idea was “Amazons Attack!” and we all know what a Clone Saga that turned out to be. But she’s also undeniably popular, being as she’s about the only female character DC has that anybody who isn’t a nerd recognizes, so she stays in print.

The latest to take a crack at her is Brian Azzarello, which is actually pretty promising as he’s dealt with boring invincible heroes before and managed to wring a few good plotlines out of Superman. Still, it’s interesting that Azzarello claims he’s writing it as a horror book, even as he states this is a soft reboot: there’s still Amazons, Paradise Island, the Lasso of Truth, and the invisible plane. But it’s a horror book.

OK, I’ll buy an issue. But if there are any zombies, I’m going to stop reading immediately.

[ via the overly worshipful at Coventry Telegraph ]